Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Family is everything ....

This weekend has been a rapid learning curve for me. It was my of those big ones and I was informed, the day before, that we were going for a trip to the coast. The day dawned. bright & sunny and we set off on a scenic route to the Brittany coast. Meal & a walk to the beach and , just as I was thinking what a pleasant surprise,  I was informed that we had to pack up as we had something to collect Indeed couriered in by special delivery for my birthday.

So there we were at Dinard Airport awaiting a Ryanair flight, with me very nervous as to what this 'large parcel with my name on it...' might contain! To say I was surprised when son,  his girlfriend and our grand-daughter all stepped forward, is an understatement. I uncharacteristically screamed (not good in an airport arrivals lounge)...elbowed my way through the throng and wept copiously over everybody. Apparently this has been in the planning since Christmas & I had no idea.

The weekend was spent in a whirl of presents, barbecue, a super restaurant meal and even crazy golf, it was fantastic! But it was my elderly French neighbour who put it all into context as we chatted that first evening. She greeted everyone, smiled and in answer to my garbled French explanation of what had happened simply looked at me, shrugged and said, "well that's family".

The French certainly have that right, they keep the family as the core, why work more days, longer hours, earn extra when you can enjoy the time and on high days & holidays be with the family. They give people their time.

So today, 'Quinze Aout'...the 'Feast of the Assomption' and a national holiday, every French family will gather. Not because of any deep religious conviction, but because they can.

Because they can sit in the sun and enjoy the finer things of life, good food, fine wines and the people they love.I think I finally learnt that, though we don't choose our families.indeed sometimes they actively break the link, close family are precious & priceless..."Ah c'est votre famille".

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